War Child – Soundwaves
War Child are selling signed “King of the Mountain” prints in support of their Children of Syria Appeal.
War Child’s press release:
War Child is working with renowned British artist Tim Wakefield on a project called “Soundwaves” to celebrate and promote the work of iconic musicians. We consider Kate Bush to be one of this exclusive group. Tim has prints of “King of the Mountain” signed by Kate and is selling them online via Indiegogo: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/soundwaves-art
The sale is in aid of War Child’s Children of Syria Appeal which aims to raise funds for a new project with Syrian children outside of the refugee camps, where thousands of children remain inaccessible to services or too hidden to receive help. All donations to War Child’s appeal will be matched pound-for-pound by the UK Government – so the money raised from the sales of this artwork will count double!
Also included in this online sale are 19 other pieces of Soundwaves art inspired by the music of Queen, Brian Wilson, Joy Division, The Cure, Pink Floyd and many more which we hope will raise over $50,000 for War Child.